Monday 23 February 2015

The Economy - Some Good News for a Change

The economy is notoriously difficult to write good news articles about, partly because of the obvious downturn of recent years, but also because one man's good news is another person's bad news. So it's worth dwelling on some unequivocal good news stories when they show themselves. I'm no apologist for the current government and their policies, but let's not moan and whinge to the exclusion of acknowledging some god news when it happens, eh?

The following article from the BBC News site contains some figures aimed at giving voters a means to visualise some key figures for the upcoming election on which to base their voting decisions. Amongst them are one or two good news stories that don't perhaps make the front pages in our rush to dwell on the sensationalism of a good old fashioned doom and gloom story.

For example, gross domestic product is higher than ten years ago, despite the financial crisis that happened in between:

And wages are starting to creep up and overtake the cost of living:

Also, employment rates are starting to creep up back to pre-crisis levels. Check out the slumps in employment in the mid eighties and early nineties for what a proper unemployment crisis looks like, by the way:

Lets hope this mini-recovery continues.

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