Thursday 19 February 2015

Energy Generation for Renewable Sources Continues to Rise

The Office for National Statistics stats for the proportion of energy generated from renewable sources continue to show a show a positive trend.

For example, renewables’ share of electricity generation was 17.8 per cent in 2014, up from just 8% back in 2011:

One reason for this might be that Bioenergy generation increased by 1.4 terrawatt-hours to 6.0 terrawatt-hours in 2014, largely due to the conversion of Drax Unit 2 earlier in 2014 to run on biomass waste.

Also, the amount of solar panel capacity which is eligible to recieve a tariff through topping up the energy on the national grid. It's up to 3000 milliwatts from just 200 milliwatts in 2011:

An on-line co-generation magazine website called is reporting that efficiency benefits have led to over 15 million tonnes of CO2 savings, equivalent to removing 5 million cars from the road and representing an increase of 2 million tonnes over the previous year.

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