Friday 13 February 2015

Scientists Edge Closer To Universal Flu Vaccine

The ever positive IFLScience web page reported a nice little snippet of medical advancement, particularly for anyone who's suffered a fortnight of the achey, woozy drudgery that is the 'flu. It may not be a matter of life or death for most of us, but that's not much comfort when it hits you badly.

As the article refers to, researchers at McMaster University and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York say that a universal flu vaccine may be on the horizon, thanks to the recent discovery of a new class of antibodies that are capable of neutralizing a wide range of influenza A viruses.

“Unlike seasonal vaccines, which must be given annually, this type of vaccine would only be given once, and would have the ability to protect against all strains of flu, even when the virus mutates,” lead scientist Matthew Miller said in a news release. “This would prevent the occurrence of flu pandemics and poor vaccine efficiency in the case of mismatches.”

Clinical trials will begin later this year.

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