Tuesday 25 November 2014

The ICT Development Index

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) ran a report in November 2014 on the global state of information and communications technology (ICT) called the Measuring the Information Society Report 2014.

Whilst it's hardly on a par with things like access to clean water, nutrition, education and sanitation etc. it's easy to forget from a Western perspective just how revolutionary and democratising communications technologies are. So it's pleasing to see that measures like internet bandwidth are increasing across both the developed and developing world:

Likewise, the number of households with internet access is increasing across all regions, with 31.2% of even developing world households now having internet access:

The global nature of the internet can be seen here in a measure of the growth of Wikipedia articles in English and non-English languages, showing how other languages dominate the number of articles on the site:

From a UK perspective, the UK has also happily jumped from 7th to 5th place globally in the ITU's ICT Development Index (IDI), above countries like the US, France, Germany and Australia, based on things like ICT access, ICT usage and ICT skills:

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