Friday 28 November 2014

Broadband and WIFI Speeds

According to OFCOM the average broadband speed in UK households is rising steadily. In 2008 it was 3.6 Mbit per second but by 2013 it had risen to 14.7 Mbit per second:

Source: OFCOM Figures
Those are quite old figures now. BT Infinity are currently offering up to 76 Mbit/s and Virgin Media are currently offering 152 Mbit/s - that's over 42 times the average speed in 2008!

Meanwhile, once your internet connection has made it through your door, you're typically going to want to beam it around your house to your various gadgets, and that's where WIFI speeds come in. 

Since the first WIFI standards were agreed in 1997 maximum speeds risen from a frankly useless 2 Mbit/s to the whopping 6,912 Mbit/s (or 6.75 Gbit/s) offered by Samsung's latest 8.02.11ad standard:

Source: Wikipedia
At that speed you can wing videos and files around your house 45 times faster than you can get them through your front door!

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