Thursday 25 June 2015

Percentage of UK Children Living in Poverty Has Fallen Since Year 2000

The percentage of children living in poverty has fallen since the turn of the millennium, according to ONS figures quoted on the BBC News website.

Source: BBC News
The figures show a drop from over 25% of children living in poverty in 1999 / 2000 to just 17% by 2013 / 2014.

The BBC report notes that "A child is defined as being in poverty when living in a household with an income below 60% of the UK's average. Average household income in 2013-14 was £453 a week - making the poverty line £272 a week."

The BBC News article expresses concern that that fall has been partially reversed in this year's figures. However, the latest figures also showed that 9.6 million people were on relative low incomes in 2013 / 2014 which represents a fall of 100,000 on the previous year. This is down from 11.2 million in 1998 / 1999 when comparable records began.

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