Friday 13 February 2015

Why The World is not Falling Apart

Here's an excellent article which echoes many of the themes of this blog:

If you concentrate on the global headlines, which only reflect whatever pockets of violence, extremism and lawlessness have come about all of a sudden to make them considered newsworthy events, then you miss the more subtle long term trends of improvement in humanity's position in so many vital areas.

As the article points out, solid statistical evidence can be provided to illustrate how hugely important trends about violence and crime are improving vastly, contrary to the scary conclusions you might glean from media sensationalism.

For example, homicide rates are on a decreasing trend:

Democracy is on the rise, not, as you may believe, under threat from extremist ideologies seeking to plunge us into a new dark age of dogma-led theocracies:

State sponsored mass killings (e.g. Nazi holocaust, Stalin's purges or Khmer Rouge killing fields) are on the wane:

Likewise, deaths from armed conflicts are down. Your granny might be nostalgic for the War years, but the rest of us sure as hell shouldn't be:

And that's just a selection of such positive trends in the article. Read it and make your own mind up. Don't swallow the dark hearted media agenda of fear, be it consciously perpetuated (yes, Murdoch media, I'm thinking of you here) or just lazily reported.

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