Thursday 15 January 2015

Electric Car Could Be Charged in Three Minutes

An Israeli company called Storedot demo'ed a rechargeable smartphone battery that can recharge in under 30 seconds. The company demonstrated the technology at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2015) in Las Vegas last week.

That's quite interesting in itself, but the really interesting thing is where Storedot plans to go next with this technology.

The main barrier to the mainstream adoption of Electric cars is the time it takes to recharge them. While a petrol or diesel car can be refilled in a matter of minutes while out on the road, an electric car currently needs an overnight charge before it's ready to go again. That's useless if you're miles away
from home or need to go anywhere soon.

Storedot chief executive Doran Myersdorf told the BBC "We are just starting work on electric vehicles. We intend to show in one year a model of a car that can charge in three minutes. We are 100 per cent sure we can deliver, because the knowhow of how you take one cell and combine thousands of them together has already been done by Tesla."

Tesla Model S Electric Car
That would be a game changer for the electric car, which despite an upturn in sales only sold 14,500 cars last year, compared to millions of noisy and polluting petrol and diesel cars sold each year.

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