That historic bastion of scientific suppression known as the papacy has come out publicly to reaffirm the Catholic church's belief in Evolution and the Big Bang.
Given that it is over 150 years since Charles Darwin published On The Origin of Species you would have thought that the battle to convince the public that evolution could be explained by natural means would have been pretty much done and dusted a long time ago.
Yet, staggeringly, there remains a worrying large proportion of people in the UK and elsewhere that believe everything was created by a god as-is, or that their god has been manually tweaking things from the heavens throughout history.
In the UK around 80% of people believe in evolution, meaning that the number of people who do not believe in evolution has dropped to below 1 in 5, with a few not sure. That beats the USA where only 40% of people believe in evolution:
According to a poll run by Gallup, which asked the American public whether species were created, evolved with a god's help or evolved without a god, 42% of American people are straight-up creationists, who don't believe in evolution at all, be it god guided or otherwise! Thankfully, the percentage of US 'natural selection' evolutionists has risen from just 9% in 1982 to 19% today:
If even the Pope can come to terms with the scientific facts, perhaps its time for the majority of the world's population to read up on Darwin's 150 year old book and follow suit?
Here's a BBC Bitesize GCSE revision guide to be getting on with: LINK and a Dummies Guide: LINK
Given that it is over 150 years since Charles Darwin published On The Origin of Species you would have thought that the battle to convince the public that evolution could be explained by natural means would have been pretty much done and dusted a long time ago.
Yet, staggeringly, there remains a worrying large proportion of people in the UK and elsewhere that believe everything was created by a god as-is, or that their god has been manually tweaking things from the heavens throughout history.
In the UK around 80% of people believe in evolution, meaning that the number of people who do not believe in evolution has dropped to below 1 in 5, with a few not sure. That beats the USA where only 40% of people believe in evolution:
Source: Wikipedia |
Source; GALLUP |
Here's a BBC Bitesize GCSE revision guide to be getting on with: LINK and a Dummies Guide: LINK